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Levels of Automation for Customer Service

Automate the right things. Discover how ViaSay's approach lets you automate the important, impactful processes.

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Our approach

to automation

It’s easy to get caught up trying to automate everything. ViaSay's approach is different. We focus on automating the processes that will bring our customers the best ROI.

From basic FAQs to complex processes, we help companies build their customer service automation strategy for maximum impact at the lowest total cost of ownership. We’ve broken our philosophy down into 4 levels of automation.

4 Levels of Automation

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Informational use cases

Automate FAQ-style questions to reduce request volumes.

Qualification & Agent Handover

Qualify customers to help agents quickly resolve their issues.

End-to-End Automated Actions

Use APIs to let the bot independently handle complex issues.

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Human-Machine Actions

Manage entire processes in the bot while incorporating human input.

Informational use cases

Bot explaining the difference between health insurance plans

Informational use cases focus on automating repetitive requests by providing seamless question and answer experiences that give customers the right answers for basic, FAQ-style questions.

Business benefits

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Reduce request volumes
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Improve customer satisfaction
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Deflect customer requests
Bot connecting a customer with an agent.

Qualification & agent handover

Qualification and agent handover use cases focus on having a bot qualify complex customer requests by gathering all the information that an agent needs to more efficiently resolve them.

Business benefits

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Boost agent productivity
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Increase agent job satisfaction
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Reduce average handling time

Automated actions

A bot helping a customer upgrade their airline seat

Automated actions are designed to allow a bot to manage complex requests from start to finish. These use cases help deflect repetitive requests that don’t require any level of human review and approval.

Business benefits

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Reduce costs
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Increase customer satisfaction
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Generate additional revenue
A bot helping with order cancellation.
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Human-machine automation

Human-machine automation use cases are the most advanced processes offered by ViaSay. These use cases start processes within a bot then trigger actions in other systems, only requiring a human to review and approve the outcome.

Business benefits

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Improve agent morale
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Reduce support costs
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Increase agent productivity
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Automate the right processes

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