Chatbot Providing Customer with Their Utility Bill
Customer Service Automation

Provide better experiences with customer service automation

Helping is the new selling. Offer faster and personalized service on your customers’ favorite channels.

Improve your
customer service

Cut down your response times and provide better customer service experiences with AI-powered process automation. ViaSay bots work to resolve and route customer requests so your customers get the help they need. By making customer self-service feel like full-service, you can implement an AI bot and improve customer satisfaction.


Respond with images, maps, videos, and more.
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Improve support

Create more efficient support processes.
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Fluent in 110 languages

Speak to your customers in their language.
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Handover to a human

Let your agents handle the complex requests.
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Build better customer support processes

Any bot can answer questions found in your FAQ, but a useful bot is able to improve your customer service processes. Our chatbot platform automates your support processes by resolving simple questions while pre-qualifying clients. These tasks allow your call center to focus and quickly handle the most important phone calls and live chats.

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Simplify complex processes

Our conversational AI platform allows you to connect your AI chatbot to your business platforms, giving you the ability to create smoother, faster customer service processes for customers.

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Automate the easy

Dynamic content on
every channel

ViaSay's conversational AI bots aren’t limited to words. Your bot can respond using all types of content: images, buttons videos, etc. This will help you provide real-time answers to your customers’ questions on websites, apps (WhatsApp), social media (Facebook Messenger bot).

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Add content without code

Let your bot express itself. Add, remove, or modify all types of content from a user-friendly and low-code interface. ViaSay's customer service automation platform makes customizing your bot’s responses easy and intuitive.

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Import your content from anywhere

Speak your customers’ language

Your support team may not be able to speak 110 languages, but our bots can. Our artificial intelligence and NLP models focus on understanding characters instead of languages. That means that you can train your AI bot to provide personalized service in almost any language.

Automatic translation

We can prep your bot to speak languages that you don’t. We automatically translate our training data into the languages you want your chatbot to speak. With a crash language course under its belt, your bot is ready to help from day 1.
Humans Translating Spanish and RussianChatbot Automatic Translation

Human verification

Languages are complicated. To make sure that nothing gets lost in translation, content can be verified by native speakers. In that case, you can be confident that your bot is saying the right thing.

Put a human agent in the loop

Customers expect to have the option to talk to a human. Our chatbot platform lets your customer service agents easily jump into conversations. We integrate with Zendesk, Salesforce, Intercom, and Genesys so your agents can keep using the tools that they’re familiar with.

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Set handover rules

Don’t make customers ask for an agent. Our platform allows you to create rules that proactively determine when a conversation needs to be transferred to a human agent, helping you avoid disappointed customers.

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Use the support tools you know

AI processes for a better customer service

Start today