Shopping bots provide the best personalized

eCommerce chatbot
Discover how retail bots can help you make the easiest online shopping experience for each consumer.
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Made for retail companies

A shopping bot, self-service automated system, can become your best customer service employee. In fact, they do more than just reply with pre-set answers: they are able to provide the information your customers need to turn them from consideration to purchase.

ViaSay's virtual assistants are built to handle retailers’ use cases, helping you improve satisfaction and increase sales. Our online purchase bots are ready to solve customers’ questions about sizing, order tracking, loyalty programs, and delivery statuses. With our shopping bot taking care of basic issues and questions, customers get better service and a better shopping experience. 

Account Management

Learn how AI bots can manage customer account information.

  • Account troubleshooting
  • Update addresses
  • Update contact information
  • Change passwords
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Order Management

Learn how online shopping bots help customers manage their orders.

  • Order tracking
  • Delivery status
  • Modify order
  • Returns
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Customer Support

Learn how shopping bots help streamline customer support.

  • Agent hand-off
  • Return policies
  • Warranty information
  • Sizing help
  • Help to place an order
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Increase Sales

Learn how retail bots boost cross-selling and upselling.

  • Recommend related products
  • Add products to order
  • Gift card sales
  • Subscription management
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Promotions & Offers

Discover how retail bots can promote special offers and loyalty rewards.

  • Coupons & discounts
  • Personalized promotions
  • Loyalty rewards
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Add automation to your cart

Automation is the backbone of eCommerce. With ViaSay, you can bring the benefits of automation to your customer support department. Our shopping bot software smoothly resolves customer issues and questions, helping them to have the best shopping experience. This will also help you deflect a significant volume of requests away from your support team.

Our AI chatbots are there 24/7 to provide helpful, personalized service so customers can get their issues resolved quickly. In fact, 82% of consumers want an immediate response when they have a marketing or sales question. With online shopping bots automatically solving common questions, you’ll decrease request volumes while increasing customer satisfaction and conversion rates.

Bot helping with changing delivery address

Faster checkouts

A long checkout process can be a cause for customers to abandon their carts. Our shopping bot don’t require long procedures to checkout: processes are quick and easy so your customers won't waste time when shopping online.
ViaSay's AI bots automatically qualify, prioritize, and route complicated or urgent problems to your customer support team. Before routing the request, the bot prequalifies it, getting the information the agent needs to quickly resolve it.

With shopping bots acting as the first line of support, your support agents can provide responsive, personalized support. No longer having to deal with large volumes of repetitive questions, your customers service agents  are more engaged and satisfied.

Build personalized processes

Mindsay customer service platform integrations

Using our shopping bot will help your customers have the answer they are  looking for and receive personalized recommendations that suit their needs, at any time of the day.
Our conversational AI is available 24/7 unlike a classic customer service support, which makes online shopping a lot easier. This allows your customers to buy what they want, whenever they want.

ViaSay's low-code platform integrates with many customer support platforms such as Zendesk, Genesys, Salesforce, etc. This allow our bots to seamlessly transfer conversations to your support team, allowing your agents to jump in and solve the problem.

Mindsay logo, Android logo, microphone icon, text message icon, iOS icon, WeChat icon, internet icon, WhatsApp icon, and Facebook Messenger icon

Offer excellent service on any channel

Help your customers where they are. Our voicebots and chatbots ensure an effortless purchase experience across a wide variety of channels to satisfy the needs of your customers. You can add ViaSay's shopping assistant to your website, mobile app, and social media pages.

Our conversational IVR solution can help transform your call center experience, allowing customers to solve their issues without an agent.

Enter the era of automated ecommerce

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